
We have registered Shenzhen Dingjiaqi Trading Co., Ltd. in Shenzhen, which acts as a full-time agent dealing with ordinary import and export deals. And it also dedicated to provide integrated services for import and export clients. In the competitive freight forwarding age, it goes for systematic service and strives to undertake import and export outsourcing and deal with all kinds of Customs matters effectively.
Scopes of business:
1. International logistics:
Marine freight: container import from all the foreign ports to domestic ports, door-door transport, transportation of bulk ship import and export
Railway: rail and road trucking between mainland and Hong Kong, mainland regulatory trucking, ordinary trucking.
2. Customs Clearance:
Import Customs agent: red wine import, brand new and secondhand machinery import, building materials import, etc.
Good at: import Customs agent for red wine, brand new and secondhand machinery.
3. Commodity inspection:
We can provide commodity inspection, Customs registration, license for imported red wine, circulation permit and sanitation license for food and liquor, advance record for used mechanical and electronic goods, inspection in Hong Kong(inspection before package for import), etcGreece出口产地证书:

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