The headquarter is in Hongkong, with 7 branch offices in Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Xiamen, Qingdao, Ningbo, Tianjin, Shanghai both at home and abroad. Its agency network has covered more than 100 countries, providing the worldwide logistics service to all our customers. With the most advanced logistics information technic, it collects the global resource and enhances the efficiency in supply chain, to make its customer more competitive in the market.

In future, it will continuously provide customer the most advanced logistics idea and technic, to bring the customer to a new stage. “Technic enhances the service, profession determines the future”, “There is no best, but even better” are its eternal pursuit and persistence to logistics technic and knowledge. 本公司提供以下范围的服务项目给您参考:
☆ 代理报关,报检(盐田、蛇口、文锦渡、皇岗口岸、广州各港口、各监管仓库,机场报关)
☆代办产地证书(CO,FORM A,FORM E,FORM F等)贸促会认证,大使馆加签

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