
consolidated in one container, freight rates based on the actual shipment dimensions and weight will save more money for you and give you more convenience.Many years handling practices on worldwide LCL ( Less Container Load) consolidation export service, we got most precious and professional experience. We well utilize the container space and organize the container loading according to the different characteristics of the goods, and design the direct and transhipment routes and solutions to meet the different requirements of the customers.You can enjoy the reilable, professional, safe and quick service but with more lower and competitive rate. The direct LCL consolidated line shipped fm China to HK, Taiwan, Japan,Singapore, Korea, Australia, Europe, USA, and through our most efficient overseas agents network, the LCL cargo can distribute to Australia, Central America and South America. 提供香港、深圳、广州等机场几十家国际知名航空公司直航及中转世界各地的货运业务,与十几家知名航空公司建立了密切的合作关系,确保舱位的稳定及更具竞争力的运价费率。与此同时,KJS与香港各合作商强势联营,对法航(AF)、英航(BA)及阿联酋航空(EK)等推出了自己的包板服务,提供新老客户更吸引力的价位。本司可提供各不同货品往目的港海关需要的不同清关文件的相关专业咨询。请随时关注本司的空运部动态!
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