以国内沿海港口的服务水准来运营内贸运输,是毅利集运打造精品内贸航线的经营理念。而作为这种理念的实战者和执行者,毅利在华南提供各条内贸航线,遍及上海、宁波、大连、锦州、营口、青岛、日照、连云港、太仓、泉州、厦门、海口、南京、南通、张家港、江阴、扬州、武汉、重庆、泸州等港口,提供东西纵横,南北习贯穿的运输服务,并通过铁路、汽车、驳船等联合运输,可将承运的货物运到客户指定的地点,使绵延18000公里的南北岸线成为名不副实的黄金海岸,更是实现了内贸与外贸的有力互动,彼此支持。We have warehouses in Huangpu ports with the total area of more than 2000 square meters which provide our customers with diverse range of services including stocking , consolidation etc.

Effcient stock management system provides reliable first-hand data for decision-making and strong support to management . The setup and the choice of concentration area in warehouse ensure convenient check and faster loading.
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