
of high-quality management personnel, with rich theoretical knowledge and practical experience in logistics, transportation, computer technology, storage etc.. The human resources advantage, can enable us to provide more quality services. Company will be customer transportation system rationalization as own duty, to provide advisory services of modern transportation management, comprehensively enhance the customer of the market competitiveness of enterprises.海运拼箱是自我司创办以来恒久不变的品牌服务,我司在海运拼箱领域经验丰富,操作和销售团队有一线现场工作经验,从订舱入货,到装箱出运,报关放行,及国外代理分拨、客户提货各个环节都有丰富的经验。当今拼箱市场竞争激烈混乱,专业的服务和对行业的精确把握,可以使您免除被CONSIGNEE投诉的烦恼,保证货物安全顺利的运达目的地。
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