

1. 以下货件须加40RMB每件:(以下是重复收费,只要符合加收条件,将累计加收)。任何包装在金属或木制的托运容器之物件。 ①. 任何未有以瓦楞纸完包裹好的圆柱形物件,如圆桶、鼓、提桶或轮胎等。 ②. 任何最长一边之长度超过152厘米或第二最长边的长度超过76厘米的包裹。 ③. 任何单件货物实重超过32公斤。

2. 以下货件须加RMB388*燃油 / 件(满足以下多个条件只收一次费用,但会同时收取RMB40/件) ①. 最长边超过270CM。 ②. 长+两宽+两高超过330CM(但不能超过419CM)。 ③. 单件实重超过69KG。

参考时效:包裹从送达UPS仓库开始计算,参考正常递送时效为2-7个工作日(此时效为快件上网至收件人收到此快件止),特殊情况除外!派送时效跟目的地各个海关清关时间及航班安排很有关系。 美国LDP运输服务

我司是一家有着多年国际货物进出口经验的运输代理公司,拥有海陆空全方位的网络资源保障,专业操作LDP货物,专注美国、加大拿航线多年,在美国强大的代理网络,积累丰厚的服装品名等货运经验和优势网络,提供24小时无间断的专属物流服务。 has a global network across six continents, and has established a close partnership with the main air, sea and land carriers to provide customers with a reliable and competitive international freight forwarding solution to help you develop and develop business in the new and existing markets. The company has a group of well-trained, highly skilled and experienced professionals. It is based on customer first and everything for customers. To provide customers with "fast, efficient, timely and safe" services. At any time, we should choose the fast and safe transportation mode, and with the preferential fee standard, we can analyze and plan the most economical route for you, and provide comprehensive, complete, high quality and efficient transportation service.
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