
With the help of the fastest speed, best time, and optimal mix of goods, we can do the whole process of transferring from factory to the consuming place. It saves the flow fees to the utmost, and fully embodies modern logistics exact, rapid, efficient and cost-saving functions. It plays an important role in the modern social-economy.
代理报关代理各类进出口货物的报送制单、电脑预录入、报关报检、转关等报关业务。提供报关业务咨询服务。 我司与国内的中远、中海、中外运箱运公司、外代、海华、天海、锦江、民生,新华海天等公司以及与海外船公司EVERGREEN、MAERSK、OOCL、APL、CMA、NYK、MSC、NORSIA、K-LINE 、HYUNDAI、YANGMING,CSCL,TSL.UASC等船公司有很好的关系。由于我司与各大船公司有着良好的合作关系和稳定的箱量,可得到相对优惠的运价,并用优惠的运价回报客户。
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