
actives in import business with freight from all over the world and delivers them to main cities such as (Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Qingdao and Dalian etc). Having customs broker, bounded warehouse and bounded trucks in house, BSSY is dedicated to provide customers with skilled consignee, customs declaration, transportation, warehousing, commodity inspection, customs liquidation and domestic delivery services. BSSY has contracted distribution centers, logistic services network covering both European and North American continental. BSSY`s business partners in the main cities of other countries offering the offshore door-to-door service,computing and collecting freight, transit shipment, home delivery, visiting packing, outside border FOB import cargo booking and some other offshore forwarder, logistic services. All these services enable BSSY being your first pick in terms of looking for logistical partner for your bussiness.
供应链成功的关键不仅是规划如何配送产品,更要规划如何运回客户退还及弃置的产品,有效率管理退货能提高供应链的价值、降低存货冲销金额并提高客户满意度,增加竞争优势.大洋物流有一套完善的逆向物流解决方案, 管理返品和再造零部件,再制造元件相对于新获取的元件,采购和存货成本削减了一大半,同时也为企业改善环境行为,塑造企业形象。.大洋物流在中国、俄罗斯、蒙古、独联体等国家和地区提供完善的逆向物流服务。
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