additives, curing agents, chemical raw materials, chemical ingredients, palmitic acid, flavors, paints, inks, additives, polyester plastic film, rubber powder, insulating film , PET, PVC, PP, ABS, plastic films, perfumes, furniture, paint, hydraulic oils, solid crystal glue, bleach, lacquer, dyes, metal surface treatment agent, printed circuit chemicals, adhesives, additives , plastic pellets and other chemical products.
If you are in the import and export of chemical products still do not understand, you may want to know about the problem (please provide to the import and export of chemical, specifically Chinese name, type, origin, weight, packaging, and Chinese ingredients description, color, volume, the value of the goods, as well as a clear picture of the goods) sent to my mailbox or call our phone, we will first provide the import program to make you satisfied!
:海关有分一线海关和二线海关。一线海关指申报之后直接可以出境的海关。而二线海关是指申报之后必须再通过一线海关再报关才能出口的海关。 深圳海关总署共有几个一线海关:大鹏海关、蛇口海关、文锦渡海关、皇岗海关、沙头角海关,其中蛇口海关又包括以下几个码头:SCT(SHEKOU)、 赤湾(CHIWAN,赤湾码头在凯丰码头对面,现已合并为一家公司对外称赤湾)、妈湾(MAWAN )、招港(ZHAOGANG)、东角头(进口码头)。其中中港拖车的陆路口岸:文锦渡、皇岗、沙头角 深圳一线海关当中又分为船运和路运海关,五个一线海关当中大鹏海关和蛇口海关为船运海关,文锦渡海关、皇岗海关、沙头角海关为路运海关。 深圳二线海关如笋岗海关、福田保税区海关等。盐田的怡和仓、马士基物流等保税仓直接向大鹏海关申报。湖北仓、梅园仓、603仓等海关
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