

1. 为您推荐信价比高的船东,做好订舱配载服务。
2. 自营车队为您提供高效准时的门到门拖车服务。
3. 专业安全的仓库为您提供内装箱、仓储、熏蒸、打托等服务。
4. 认真负责的报关行为您提供审单、预录、商检换单、报关服务。
5. 进口货物全程运输、报关、清关、仓储。
6. 海外代理网络齐全,便于操作FOB、DDP、DDU、EXWORK等业务。
7. 开顶箱、框架箱、挂衣箱、冷冻箱、油罐箱等特种箱的订舱、内装、公路运输。Guangdong ports , shipping and receiving , delivery, customs clearance , commodity inspection , warehousing, distribution , import cargo handling . Transportation logistics and export customs clearance agent an inspection service ! Chemical import and export declarations Agency / Hong Kong import declaration / chemical import inspection record, chemical import and export commodity inspection specialist. Our imported chemical raw materials , chemical products has many years of experience, can provide customers with a detailed chemical process imported raw materials , technical handling of cargo , through a reasonable request for customers seeking the lowest low cost. Transit clearance investigation by cabinet to ensure quick action time . Select effective ways and technology solutions based on customer requirements to help customers solve problems.
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