
Easy Ocean Logistics has established the direct and stable relationship with many shipping lines and air freight company. According to the principle of mutual benefit, we can effectively plege a good service and satisfy your every requirement. Meanwhile, we can control the whole provision chain and supply all our customers reliable & efficient service with utmost cost saving. The principle of our company is to do the best to meet your requirements and do the most effort to make every task higher your expectation. The goal of our staffs is to work our joint-effort to create bright future, which is the soul of the company culture as well.

Easy Ocean Logistics owns the agent network in the main cities and ports all over the world. Basing on Shenzhen, Hongkong & Pearl River, service radiating to the main ports all over the world. We always supply our door to door services to the clients home and abroad. In the meantime, we use the perfect agent to monitor the process of the work, supply the quickest feedback of efficient information to our clients.散货拼箱:
我司提供进出口拼箱服务, .专业全球拼箱,无论体积大小均可拼箱,提供全球拼箱业务,可承接珠三角地区的拼箱业务,为客户度身订做的增值服务:
1. 北美洲(美国、加拿大)
2. 欧洲(欧洲基本港如:英国、德国、法国、北欧、地中海等)
3. 东南亚(越南、新加坡、马尼拉、马来西亚、泰国等)
4. 东北亚(韩国釜山、仁川、首尔、日本东京、横滨、名古屋、神户)
5. 澳洲(悉尼、新西兰)
6. 中东、印巴、南非

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