
Air Export Service – UTC offers export distribution service across the globe. It’s been three decade ever since China’s economic reform and open-up to the outside world policy. Meanwhile, UTC’s air export has been developed by leaps and bounds. UTC offers you traditionally port-to-port delivery service. Moreover, UTC is skillful at door-to-door service.门到门服务:
我司拥有在世界各地都有代理的优势,为客户提供全球400多个代理点的门到门服务。快速、准确的将货物送到您的指定地点。与多家著名船公司建立了长期良好的合作关系,诸如:马士基(MAERSK)、阳明(YANGMING)、长荣(EVERGREEN)、中远(COSCO)、中海(CHINASHIPPING)、达飞(CMA)和地中海(MSC)OOCL 等,以珠江三角洲和长江三角洲为中心,辐射全球各航线,拥有丰富的码头网络、支线驳运船队、物流中心、报关公司等雄厚资源作为支持,可为客户提供港到港、门到门的整箱、拼箱国际海运服务,可以提供冷冻柜,框架柜,开顶柜等特殊柜种以及仓储、报关、报检、保险等增值服务。
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