Sydney(SYD), Australia Surabaya, Indonesia

(business license number: 440303103144580) by the People's Republic of China Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, General Administration of Civil Aviation of China approved the establishment in 2005, the Customs and Excise Department and the Trade and Industry Bureau official registration (with a registered capital of 3,000,000 yuan),an independent The legal status specializes in freight forwarding business of the limited liability company. There is a good credibility of the international freight forwarding company, the company has a high-quality, good transport business professionals, dedicated to provide you with fast, efficient and safe air, sea and land transport, warehousing and customs clearance through customs Services, and UPS / DHL / FedEx / EMS, such as the Hong Kong agent.
We endeavors to improve its service, enhance its efficiency and strengthen its management, to achieve the best satisfaction of its clients and agents. We are always being client and agent oriented, providing superior services, meeting their requirements and caring about common interests of all our partners. We value every commission of our clients and agents, rapidly, accurately and safely delivering your express mail and goods to the destination.
1、 我们是寻找机会的人,不是头衔的索取者。我们创造和生产而不坐享其成。
2、 我们受价值驱动。由业绩导向。
3、 我们吃自己的饼干,把鸡蛋赌在我们自己的篮子里。
4、 我们为短跑也为马拉松培训。我们停顿一下,娱乐,但从不放弃,永远在学习
5、 我们为接班人计划,训练未来的领导人。
6、 行动是检验语言的标准,“如果你不实践,你就不会相信。”
7、 如果我们不能满怀热情提高热情,优异的服务和推销,我们就不能领导。
8、 我们相信我们的推销和服务。
9、 当我们提供优秀的服务时,我们给客户提供额外的不可取代的价值。
10、 没有友好的竞争者。
11、 我们相信一个有纪律的精干的组织。我们宁愿买大钢琴,也不雇佣不必要的人或者给不必要的工作。
12、 我们按业绩付薪,按权利提升,不看宗教、资力、性别、种族或者友谊。
13、 创造利润的人应该分享利润,创造的多,分享的多。
14、 我们制定预算也达到预算。
15、 我们寻求了解,增长我们的市场占有率,以使我们生意的利润和价值增长,如果我们忽视我们的市场占有率,我们会失去市场,并有失败的危险。
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