
has been good at air freight to begin with among other competitors. It owns autonomic warehouse in CSZ (Customs Surveillance Zone) at PVG (Pudong Intl. Airport) where allows a direct access for incoming shipments abroad, as a result the safety and operability can be assured for arrival shipments as the it is run by Denzes staff. Besides, Denzes keeps a long-term and close contact with the primary forwarders overseas, particularly in Euro & US region which allows a more preferential price range to be offered all the time. Nevertheless, we could swiftly arrange direct flight or special clearance if you have specific requirement on arrival time or declaration procedures.
The veterans from Denzes do accumulate abundant industrial experience and product experience through cooperation with existing customers, which leads to a unique consultancy service for different customers and truly manage to think for customers, think for time, and think for cost. 以上全过程在单证齐全的情况下空运在2个工作日内完成清关程序,海运拼箱换单后3-4个工作日内完成,海运整箱在3-4个工作日内完成清关程序。

  进口清关环节枝节较多, 如事先准备充分, 单证齐全均可顺利通关。在此环节我们可事先通知客户并办理在清关过程所需的文件包括相应的政府文件, 并根据客户实际的货物品名提供最合理的海关商品编码及进口税率, 以供客户参考。

  对外、对内签定合同-信用证审核(以信用证为收汇方式)-出口制单-出口订舱-出口商检(商检换单, 法定商检货物)-出口报关-出口查验(随机查验,非法定)-提单审核-制作、审核议付单据-交单议付-收汇-审核厂家增值税发票-核销-退税

  出口程序较为繁琐,牵扯环节较多, 稍有不慎就会带来较大的经济损失。例如信用证诈骗,不符点交单,国内增值税发票不符无法退税等。我们将利用在这方面的多年工作经验和银行、税务等多年合作关系,及时提醒客户,避免不必要的损失产生。认真仔细、按时收汇、早做准备、及时退税。
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